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Tagged by NCH Software


Don’t be sad, it’s not just you
Coz there’s a little bit of broken within me too
It’s the way of the world, a broken humanity
Just look around, open your eyes and you’ll see

Embrace the highs, tolerate the lows
Coz a little bit of broken is how our story goes
If life was always easy we wouldn’t have the chance to grow
So embrace the highs and tolerate the lows

You look at other’s lives filled with riches
But take a deeper look, you’ll see the stitches
A little bit of broken is the way of the world
So don’t believe everything you’re told


Life is too short to be filled with regrets
The years fly by, there's only one life we get
So embrace the highs, tolerate the lows
Tomorrow’s a new day, there’s always hope
Tomorrow’s a new day, there’s always hope