  1. Stubborn Girl
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Tagged by NCH Software


You watch her from a distance
Just waiting for a glance
She struggles doing things her way
Living life by chance
You try to help her on her way
But, she knows best, can’t you see ….
Wants to be left to her own devices
Yet you still wait for her so patiently

So, when her dreams turn to nightmares
And her life becomes a mess
You find a way to bring her home
With a whisper and a sweet caress
She’s now tired, weary and surrendered
As she lays her head on you to rest
Wishing she’d listened to your wise words
To skip the drama and distress

She’s thankful for you waiting so patiently
First to admit, she’s a stubborn girl, you see …
Knowing she might lose her way again
Knowing You can save her from her sin